I just found a wonderful video on Youtube.
It is a video of the Lord's Prayer sung in French.
The music is slightly slow but very expressive. Just enjoy the melody although you don't understand the lyrics.
Anyway, here's the translation.
Our Father in heaven (Notre Père qui es aux cieux),
Holy be your name (que ton nom soit sanctifié),
Your kingdom come (que Ton règne vienne),
Your will be done on earth as in heaven (que Ta volonté soit faite sur la terre comme au ciel),
Give us today our daily bread (Donne-nous aujourd'hui le pain qui nourrit),
Forgive us our sins (Et pardonne-nous nos offenses),
As we forgive those who sin against us (Et à ceux qui nous offensent, nous pardonons),
Do not bring us to the test (Garde-nous d'être tentés),
But deliver us from evil (Délivre-nous du mal),
For the kingdom, power and glory are yours (A Toi seule le règne à Toi la puissance, la gloire pour toujours).
(Not in the Lord's Prayer,but part of the song, below is the rough translation)
Que l'ésprit de vérité vienne sur nous maintenant - May the spirit of truth comes to us nowPour que nous puissions te ressembler et savoir prier - So that we can be like you and pray
~But when you pray, go to your room, close the door, and pray to your Father, who is unseen. And you Father who sees what you do in private, will reward you. --- Matthew 6:6~
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