Dear readers (if there are any left),
I have created a new blog : Petrusian Chronicles
Since it has been such a long time already, I've decided that I would leave the old blog as it is, so that it may be a 'time capsule' where records of my past is kept. This blog will be left as it is after this as a record of my past.
If you would want to carry on reading my posts and following my updates, please proceed to my new blog with the link given above.
God bless.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
New blog
Posted by Timothy Chan at 9:43:00 AM 0 comments
Friday, January 1, 2010
Mater Dei 2010
Welcome to the new decade!!!
First post of the decade!!!
Today is also the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, when her role as the Mother of God is celebrated and commemorated.
Posted by Timothy Chan at 11:44:00 AM 0 comments
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Hey readers (if there are any left)!!!
I'm finally blogging again after a really long break...
Anybody miss me?
Anyway, I've just been back from my church's PAG youth camp in Genting...tiring...but rested well...
So many things happened within this interval when I was off blogging...will update about all those things next time, kay?
But anyway...this first post after so many months is specially dedicated to my sayang, KATHY CHANG YI SHUEN.
Her birthday was...two months ago...on 30th day after mine...this is really late...but, at least I did least its up in my blog, right ? ;D
So now, she's officially 15!
And to my sayang, which is really overdue...
God bless you all!!!
Posted by Timothy Chan at 6:15:00 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Save The Environment
Finally I'm back to blogging after such a long break from blogging.
Well, today, this post is going to be about the winning short video clip of the 'Jerneh Friend of Green Malaysia Short Film Competition' organized by, well, Jerneh. The theme is 'Energy Conservation'.
My group consists of Danial(Videographer/Editor), Jenar(Graphic designer), Zi Xiang('Psychologist') and me(Main actor).
Actually we didn't know about this competition at first until Pn. Doris introduced it to us and in the end we had to do it because it became part of our assignment to get 20 marks for our exam. All the other classes whose EST teacher is Pn. Doris had to do it also. She made t compulsry for all of us. Didn't want to do it at first. But in the end we still did it one day after school. Can't remember when it was, quite a long time ago, a few months I guess.
Danial mostly came up with all the ideas of filming techniques. He provided all the cameras, did the editting and gave the idea of the stop-shot technique and most of the other techniques too. Zi Xiang, Jenar and I basically just acted and helped out here and there only, nothing much else. We finished the filiming, editted it and sent it to Jerneh, not expecting much.
Only one or two weeks ago we received the news that we won. Danial and Jenar went down to Pavilion for the award ceremony. My group won first place for the under-18 category. Nazneen's group won second place too. Congrats! We got a camcorder, certificate, trophy and RM3000. Bangga! XD Thank God for his blessings! Seriously didn't expect to win. We didn't even try to win. We just did our best because it was our assignment and that's all. Didn't think about winning at all.
The news was even repoerted in Bernama. Check out
Here's the video. The accompanying song is 'How To Save A Life' by The Fray.
~God has blessed us; may all people everywhere honour him. --- Psalms 67:7~
Posted by Timothy Chan at 11:58:00 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 17, 2009
Hey readers!
Sorry for the really long one-month-plus hiatus.
Had so many stuff going and and had been very busy.
The August exam just finished about a week ago.
I will update about the happenings in July soon. So many things going on but not enough time to update. It will be a really long post, I think.
Stay tuned and God bless! ;P
~A lamp from the LORD is the breath of man; it searches through all his inmost being. --- Proverbs 20:27~
Posted by Timothy Chan at 11:58:00 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Notre Père
Our Father in heaven (Notre Père qui es aux cieux),
Holy be your name (que ton nom soit sanctifié),
Your kingdom come (que Ton règne vienne),
Your will be done on earth as in heaven (que Ta volonté soit faite sur la terre comme au ciel),
Give us today our daily bread (Donne-nous aujourd'hui le pain qui nourrit),
Forgive us our sins (Et pardonne-nous nos offenses),
As we forgive those who sin against us (Et à ceux qui nous offensent, nous pardonons),
Do not bring us to the test (Garde-nous d'être tentés),
But deliver us from evil (Délivre-nous du mal),
For the kingdom, power and glory are yours (A Toi seule le règne à Toi la puissance, la gloire pour toujours).
Pour que nous puissions te ressembler et savoir prier - So that we can be like you and pray
~But when you pray, go to your room, close the door, and pray to your Father, who is unseen. And you Father who sees what you do in private, will reward you. --- Matthew 6:6~
Posted by Timothy Chan at 12:52:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
A Day In The Library
Hey guys!
As usual I was in the library yesterday with a few friends for the weekly librarian duty...
Had nothing much to do so my friends and I started playing with my phone and in the end we ended up taking lots of pics...btw, phones are totally banned in school now, for some ridiculous reasons that don't even make sense and they even issued a circular for that...but I'm still taking it to school occasionally...don't worry, no bad intentions...
These are the pictures taken last week which Shi Hui has been telling me to post again and again...
Lots of ss pics...This is Shi Hui's new look with her hair straightened...
Take 3. just nice.
Found this poem on the notice board outside the on it to enlarge...
Posted by Timothy Chan at 10:58:00 PM 0 comments